Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Visual Thinking Research

 In this puzzle you are suppose to count how many triangles there are in the picture of the cat.  My girlfriend and I both did the puzzle for 5 minutes.  This first picture is of the puzzle I did.  I used pattern seeking and finding to figure out how many triangles there were.  I started at the top of the head counting triangles and moved down through the body to the tail.  In the end I counted 19 triangles, but there was actually 20.  I messed up on the middle part of the tail.  It is broken up in to 4 separate triangles.  I thought there was a pattern with the first part of the tail with a big triangle and a small triangle.  But there are actually two big triangles in the middle section.

 This puzzle is the one my girlfriend did.  She also used pattern seeking and finding to figure out how many triangles there were.  She also started at the top and moved down and ended at the tail.  We were sitting on opposite sides of the room, so it is interesting that we had a similar approach to the puzzle.  She also got 19 instead of 20 triangles.  She made the same mistake I did with the middle section of the cat’s tail.  That is also interesting that we both made the same mistake.

In this puzzle you are suppose to figure out with spiral consists of a single piece of rope and which has two separate pieces.  For this puzzle you are not suppose to write on it while solving, which my girlfriend and I did not, but I wrote on it after to illustrate how we both tried to solve it.  This first picture is of the puzzle I did.  On the left spiral I focused on the blue lines and followed both of them around until I got to the middle and they separated.  Because the separated in the middle I figured this was the spiral with a single piece of rope.  On the right spiral I followed the blue lines again.  When I got to the center the blue lines ended together.  Because this happened I knew this was the spiral with two pieces of rope.

This puzzle is the one my girlfriend did, and I think she had a better approach then me.  Instead of following the blue lines she followed the white space inside the blue lines.  On the left spiral she followed the white space and ended up on the other end of the spiral.  That is how she knew it was one piece of rope.  On the right spiral she followed the white space again and ended up in the middle.  That is how she figured out that spiral was made of two pieces of rope.  


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Visual Perception 2/ Feature Hierarchy


The title of the magazine “Complex” is the first to pop out because of the size.  The title is a lot bigger than any other words on the cover of the magazine.  The next thing the viewer sees is “Jim Jones” because of its large size and bold font.  The color of the word is white and it is in a black box, which highly contrasts the word.  The next the thing the viewer sees is “Cheat on you girlfriend” because of the size and boldness again.  The word is black in a yellow box, which is contrasting, but not as much as white and black.  The spatial layout of the magazine directs the viewer down the page to the less important information.  The less important information is smaller than the more important information.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Top Down Visual Processing

 I chose this poster because I am a Visual Communications major and I really enjoy reggae.   When I first looked at the poster I saw “UB40” in large type.  It was a brief glance but it got my attention because of the size.  It also got my attention because I thought it might be a concert poster from previous experience.  I know that band and became more interested and scanned down the rest of the poster.  I read closely where the concert was and the date and time of the concert.  And where I might be able to purchase tickets.  I noticed logos at the bottom of the poster and knew they were sponsors from previous encounter with concert posters and moved quickly to the next part of the poster.  I moved down to the very bottom of the page to see who was putting on the concert and to see where I could go to receive further information.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Design Success and Failure/ Syntactical Guidelines

This advertisement for a truck uses stress in it, but in a bad way.  There are a lot of things going on in the advertisement and the viewer does not know how to view the advertisement. Along with the stress of too many things going on the perception is also bad in this advertisement.  The viewer’s eyes constantly move around the advertisement to information.  Some of the information is also not necessary.


This advertisement for a phone uses balance in a good way.  The phone is laid out and positioned in about the center of the page.  The advertisement uses leveling because how the phone is positioned relates a calming feeling for the viewer.  The calming feeling also relates to the perception of the advertisement.  The viewer knows exactly where to look in the advertisement.  There are no distractions for the viewer.