Tuesday, September 18, 2012


The girl in the advertisement is representational, along with her guitar, clothes, and jewelry.  The representation’s role is that the advertisement is directed toward white girls aged 16 – 22 because the photograph of the girl fits those qualities.  The impact for the viewer is that a white girl aged 16 – 22 can easily relate to the girl in the advertisement.  The representation relates to the abstract level because the girl is wearing abstract shoes and in an abstract environment.  She relates to the symbolic level because she is a symbol for rock and punk music.

The abstract shoes in the advertisement make the shoes look cooler then they actually are.  The shoes are also abstracted by being oversized which makes the viewer notice them first.  Since the shoes are oversized the viewer will also keep going back to looking at the shoes after they have looked at the rest of the advertisement.  The shoes relate to the representational level in that the girl is representational and she is wearing them.  The shoes relate to the symbolic level in that the shoes can be a symbol for a specific culture, gender, and age.

The Converse All-Star logo on the shoe is a symbol.  This symbol lets the audience know what kind of shoes they are and who makes them.  There are also symbols of stars on the ground and a symbol of paint dripping behind her.  The symbols of the stars denote that this advertisement is made for girls.  The paint-dripping symbol denotes the girl in the advertisement is artistic and that girls who are artistic should wear these shoes.

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